Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I've been tagged

My sister tagged me again. So, here goes. How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog.List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!

3 joys:

1. Of course, my hubby.
2. And the kids, usually.
3. Living in TX once again.

3 fears:

1. Natural disaster
2. Losing a family member
3. Missing an opportunity

3 goals:

1. Catch up on my scrapbooks (moving slowed me down). I am thinking about switching to digital.....
2. Build up our food storage.
3. Have a fun, not much travelling, summer. (We travelled to TX from MI for the last 2 summers)

3 current obsessions/collections:

1. My kids' softball and baseball games. It has been busy, but fun to cheer them on.
2. Learning how to make DVD's. (I think my Father's Day DVD turned out nice.)
3. Reading the Twilight series. I'm on book three.

3 random/surprising facts about me:

1. I love the weather hot. My sweet spot is 85-95. The other day the news was talking about how hot we have been, and that it is unusually warm for June. I had been thinking just that morning what nice weather we've been having. Maybe it is hot, but it doesn't bother me. We drink lots of water and lemonade, and always have popsicles on hand. The best pool time we've had was late in the day when the water warms up a little.
2. I like scary movies a lot. Watching them with Kevin is even better simply because he scares easily. It almost makes the movie a comedy for me at that point.
3. I love to work on family history. However, it has been years since I've done much with it. I am sure the bug will hit again soon.

I now tag:
Jacqueline, Sarah Paxton, Jenn Chiara, April, and Jen

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