Thursday, June 26, 2008

To Grandma's house we go....

Audrey and Maddie enjoyed a few days together at Grandma's house. Some highlights included: swimming, riding on the mower with Grandpa, working in the garden, eating at McDonald's, going to the library, and playing with the new toys. Audrey and Maddie both came up with some cute comments about being away from our home and being at Grandma's house. I laughed at their theories, so I had to share. When Maddie asked if she could have a cookie, Audrey piped in by saying, "You can even have two. We're at Grandma's house!" When Audrey asked Maddie if she brushed her teeth, Maddie replied in a similar fashion, "But, we're at Grandma's house."

When I got there last night to pick them up, I asked Audrey if she missed me. She said, "Not that much." I was mixed between being sad, and laughing.

It is nice to be near family again. I know the kids are making great memories and strengthening family ties. Thanks to my mom and dad for making great efforts to spend time with their grandkids.

1 penny for your thoughts:

Laura said...

You gotta love Grandma's house rules! I know we always milked them for all they were worth... How fun!