Saturday, October 4, 2008

You may think I'm a slacker

However, there is a reason for no blogging lately. We have been way too busy. Here is our update:

-Brandon enjoyed a campout with Dad and his Webelos Den at Lake Texoma. It was the weekend of Ike, so much preparation was to be had.

-Murphy's 5oth birthday! Fireworks and all....

-Whitney is cheerleading and having fun with the girls. You can't be in Texas, and not learn about football.

-Preparing for Audrey's upcoming baptism.

-Our neighborhood Fall Festival complete with bounce houses and a train ride.

-I've been taking an online scrapbook sketch class, too.

-We all got really sick to boot.
Thankfully, there are no pictures of that hideous week.

So, now you're caught up with the major stuff. I'll try to do better this coming month! HAPPY OCTOBER!

4 penny for your thoughts:

Unknown said...

WOW! sounds like fun! your neighberhood party sounded like a lot of fun!! we need to get together soon! even if we just eat a late lunch and visit while the kids play.

Laura said...

Sounds like you have been busy!! Glad you're all feeling better too. Your kids are so cute, I am glad we get to see pictures of them and keep in touch with you a little better. Love ya!

Mary said...

I'm so glad you guys are feeling better! It seems like life comes at you either in a great heaping amount of craziness, or it's so slow you pray for SOME sort of excitement. Generally, I get the latter first, and the former is the result of my hasty and desperate prayer.

Your kids are getting so big! I can't believe it! It IS so nice to be able to keep tabs on you and know what's going on in your life. I love you, and I'm glad things are going so well!

Jacqueline Mohamed said...

I can't believe Whitney is a cheerleader! She is turning into a beautiful young woman...I can't believe I used to teach her primary and now look at her! I hear ya about the blogger slacking, there is just so much going on with four! Say "hi" to Kevin for us!