Friday, December 12, 2008

Stampin' Out Ignorance

I just have to start by saying, "You have to be kidding me!" There is just no way I heard this...

I was at Wal-mart and needed to buy more of the Christmas stamps to send out a few more Christmas letters. When the employee said that they didn't have any, but that they had Kwanza and Hannukah stamps; I was a bit upset. Irrationally, I was thinking that they just didn't carry them. Then one of the other employees, in an attempt to right the situation, told me that Kwanza and Hannukah are the same as Christmas, so it shouldn't matter that they didn't have any Christmas stamps . I looked at her (a bit baffled) and said, "you're kidding, right?" Hannukah is a Jewish holiday and they don't believe in Jesus Christ, and Christmas is the Christian holiday celebrating his miraculous birth. The poor employee looked so confused. I said also that Easter is not the same as Passover. I wanted to finish stampin' out her ignorance by saying that the 4th of July is not the same as Mexican Independence Day. However, I stopped with Easter simply because I thought she might actually say "duh." And if she didn't, I may have either gone into a tizzy over the fallen state of our culture, or just climbed over the counter and taken away her badge explaining that she needed to go back to grade school before she should work with the public.

It turned out that they do carry Christmas stamps, but had just sold out. Thank goodness that was the reason, or I may have gone into another rampage!

HEAVEN HELP US ALL! Please tell me that my friends know that Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwanza are all different.

6 penny for your thoughts:

greta said...

yes, yes I do. And yes, yes I have seen the ignorance of such people. Sigh, we are turning into our parents, you know? Although this time we are truly right!

Laura said...

Seriously. How do people function? :0) I would have liked to see you climb over the counter and confiscate the badge...that paints quite the picture!

Laura said...

Cute Christmas card, by the way. You are way too crafty and your kids are so cute!

Siouxsie said...

I am going to be both laughing and shaking my head in despair over this all day. :-) Good reaction.

Mary said...

That is too funny!! My mom says, "Go, Jenn!!" I agree with Laura - I would have wanted to see you climb over the counter and take that badge away. You crack me up. Kwanza is kinda like Christmas....right? ;)

Jennifer said...

Very funny! You really had Sam and I laughing. Merry Christmas!