Wednesday, December 10, 2008

That little white stuff

Our cousins Linda and Matt visited from Colorado recently. In their generous ways they extended the normal invitation to visit them in Colorado sometime. Maddie was excited at the thought of going to Natalie's house! We also explained to her the greatness of Colorado snow. A few days later, Maddie asked when the snow would come to Texas. I responded that snow doesn't come here very often. She started to cry and declared that we must go to Colorado to visit the snow. It took me a minute to realize why she decided Colorado had her snow. (I didn't instantly remember the snow discussion with Linda and Matt.) I had to add this discussion in honor of Maddie and her childlike joys and hopes. She was so excited when she woke up this morning to a dusting of the white stuff right here in Texas. When I say dusting, it was barely even that. You could see whiteness in the crevices of the rooflines. Well, that was enough to feed her need. Her wish for snow came true, at least true enough for a five year old. May all of our simple wishes come true this season. And may we, like a little child, find our needs met even in the simplest ways. I hope that when I ask for something grand, I can see that a "dusting" is enough. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

1 penny for your thoughts:

greta said...

so fun... thanks for such reminders. hope maddie is doing well and enjoyed her "snow". hope that she doesn't experience real snow for a while or you might be doomed to begging of colorado in your furture!