Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring in Texas

Many of you have heard of our spring storms. It has been a bit crazy, but we are getting used to it. The kids get a little nervous, but I love the big thunderstorms. However, there was a tornado 4 miles away. That got my attention.

Besides the storms, we get lots of sunny warm days. The kids loved flying kites at Grandpa's house. Audrey was quite the pro! The kids are all getting involved with baseball/softball, so we stay pretty busy. We enjoyed a fun Rangers game on Monday night for FHE. The Rangers lost, but it was fun to be at the ballpark all together.

Anyway, hope you enjoy some of our springtime pictures!!!!

1 penny for your thoughts:

Jennifer said...

You seem to be adjusting to Texan life quite easily. Of course, you have gone back to your roots. Is it like you expected it to be? There are many days I wish I could return to the Pacific Northwest but since my parents live in Utah now, it wouldn't be the same. Lucky you. Love your family pictures. I enjoy reading your blog!