Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes:

Maddie's recent quotes:

"FAN-TAS-TIC!" - on the 330 test drive

"Daddy, I think we are the two strongest people in the family." - after she helped put some 'big' toys away

"It happens."(said with a shrug of the shoulders) - Her reply when I asked if the kitty was wet because she put it in the bath with her. I couldn't be angry because it was too darn cute.

I am sure there are more of these that I cant' think of right now. It is so fun to watch her personality grow and see her sense of humor more often. I love hearing her stories and her experiences. She has so much to share!

2 penny for your thoughts:

greta said...

too fun! i love that girl! :)

Laura said...

She sounds so cute! I love the things they say, I need to write them down more often. I think I could use "It happens" in a lot of situations...thanks Maddie!