Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I say who needs 'em. I am so busy just doing things everyday, that I can't imagine putting that kind of pressure on myself. However, I always make my New Year's Resolutions. One of mine this year is to spend more time with family! And, boy, that has gotten off to a good start so far. Jenn's sister and family welcomed their long awaited baby boy, Robert Moorman Klingler, on Jan. 9th. We are so grateful she made it to 36 weeks. It was really touch and go for a while. He is back in the NICU, and so we are all praying for them once again. We are so happy to have a new little member of the family. We also got to get in a visit with Kevin's aunt and uncle as they were heading back to Sunny California after finishing their Church mission in North Carolina. It was so fun to have them with us for a few days. It was also a great reason to get the Krueger cousins over our way for a day as well. The kids all love getting together, and are always sad when these get togethers come to an end. We just need to start planning the next "cousin swap." Kevin and Brandon spent a lot of time together as they built the last Pinewood Derby car for this cub scout! Daddy and the girls even made a pink "E-Racer" for them to race as well. They were so excited to watch their little pink car race against all those boy cars! And last, but not least, Whitney got her braces on. We have spent a lot of together time just trying to make her smile. We want to get a picture, but she hasn't let us yet. We'll just have to trick her into it! Hope you are all having a wonderful start to the New Year. As always, reach for the moon. You may not get there. In trying, though, you will land among the stars! If I keep up this pace, I will definately reach my goal of spending more time with family!

2 penny for your thoughts:

Jennifer said...

More time with your family?! I imagine most everything you do is with or for the family. As for me, I need to take more breaks from the household chores and enjoy my family more. I'm not much of a game player but I've set a goal to play more games and give more personal attention to my kids. Life is quite a balancing act!

Laura said...

More time with family is always a great idea. I'm trying really hard to focus on my kids more too, playing with them, reading to them, etc. rather than just being in the same house together all day. I'm glad that a trip to Utah is in your 2009 plans too!! Yay for us!!!!