Friday, January 16, 2009

Scary Stories

While America Aged: How Pension Debts Ruined General Motors, Stopped the NYC Subways, Bankrupted San Diego, and Loom as the Next Financial Crisis While America Aged: How Pension Debts Ruined General Motors, Stopped the NYC Subways, Bankrupted San Diego, and Loom as the Next Financial Crisis by Roger Lowenstein

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
I started to read this book because of its dive into GM having recently left Michigan and all the turmoil going on there. I am amazed at how every facet of public life: companies, cities, counties, and countries so quickly and easliy sell our children's futures by getting into bed with unions and their greediness. I wish everyone could live by the standard that you should earn your keep and be worth what you earn. Seems like so many people want to get paid more and do less. It doesn't matter if that pay comes in the form of a check or in the form of benefits; it is still money out of the coffer. The social security system is headed for the same future, so we should all be ready with our own personal plans for retirement. We cannot rely on government or companies to provide for us in the future. There won't be anything left.

View all my reviews.

1 penny for your thoughts:

greta said...

amen. i find that i am a pessimist when it comes to anything government. in fact i'm just pessimistic about anything in general. especially now that everything is going down the crap shoot. good luck, i know you're preparing!