Sunday, March 15, 2009

Missionary Project

I am currently serving as the Enrichment Counsellor in my ward. This past week we had 2 guest speakers come to speak of the "Legacy of Faith of the Early North Texas Saints." Brother Hubbard was excellent. We also had Newel Kay Brown come. He wrote the song, "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission."

Brother Brown made a wish on Tuesday Night. He wished he could get a compilation of stories of how his song, "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission" has impacted members of the church around the world. I thought that as a token of thanks to him not only for coming to speak to us, but as a thank you for his faithfulness and for that song; we could start a compilation of stories. If you could just write what comes to you and send back to me I will start gathering these stories. I would really love it if you extended this invitation to friends, family, mission companions, etc from all walks of life to do the same. As you receive these, you can just get them to me. I will then have these bound in some way to give to him. I am hoping to have this 'project' completed by the beginning of June. I know that's a quick turnaround, but I think it is doable. Thanks for all your support.

I look forward to hearing from you!

If you would rather, you can email your story to me at

0 penny for your thoughts: